Yes. YES. I got chills down my spine thinking about how frantically I tried when showing my father what a real "100 cm ruler" looked like... And to verify if it was truly one metre, he pulled out the faulty 90 cm one of the "Society" to hold up against it, deeming MINE as inaccurate!
As Bart Thompson, former District Overseer once said, "If the Society told me that this book is black instead of green, I would say, 'Y'know, I could have sworn that it was green, but if the Society says it's black, then it's black!'"
In Watchtower's world, what's good is bad, what's wrong is right, what's up is down and what's black is... well, green. When truth is blurred by lies and misinformation, perception becomes reality and all sense is lost. All that's left is the thick sediment of delusion which cannot be penetrated by facts.
As a Witness, my life was a hallucination. I may as well have been living in a fun house with warped walls and distorted mirrors. Until we can get our loved ones to fearlessly confront themselves in front of an non-corrupted mirror, they're going to keep juggling theocratic nonsense in the WT circus, believing that it is OUR behavior which is abnormal.